How to Run Your Race to Win
We've all heard the phrase, "Everyone has a race to run." That just means we all have our own lives to live. And as Christians, God has a specific purpose and plan for each of us.
- 08/24/2015
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We've all heard the phrase, "Everyone has a race to run." That just means we all have our own lives to live. And as Christians, God has a specific purpose and plan for each of us.
For many years of my life, I believed that I was damaged goods and could only have a second-rate life. I thought that the sexual and emotional abuse I endured as a child was somehow my fault…that it had happened because something was wrong with me. A..
When we try to do everything in our own strength and leave God out of the equation, we just get worn-out and frustrated by our mistakes and failures. But when we lean on God, we actually enter into His rest and can enjoy our lives, no matter what our..
Before I learned how to live my life by God's grace, I was a mess. I was a nagging wife, manipulative and controlling. And I wasn't satisfied living like that.
How could Paul, in the middle of a horrible storm, ask the people to "be in good spirits" and have a good attitude? Because he believed in his heart — without a doubt — "that it will be exactly as it was told me."
Romans 8:37 says that Christians are "more than conquerors" in this world. But do we really know what it means to be more than a conqueror? I know it took many years for me to learn what it means and how to live the victorious life Jesus died to give..
The book of Genesis (chapters 37-45) tells the story of Joseph. He was the favorite of his father's 12 sons, and his brothers were very jealous of him because of it. One day when Joseph shared a dream he'd had of them all bowing down to him … well, t..
It is said that in the heat of a battle during World War II, Winston Churchill gave a speech that consisted of one sentence. He said, "Never, never, never, never give up!" I don't know if that's really the only thing he said, but I do believe the Hol..
Over the years, I have met countless people who believe God is angry with them because they haven't "arrived" at the place of perfection. As a result, they live in a state of perpetual frustration — continually rejecting themselves and feeling bad ev..
When we enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, something wonderful happens: God begins to change our desires, and we want to be more like Him. That is good news! However, there's one important lesson we need to learn — we cannot change..
In today's society, insecurity is an epidemic. Too many people — including many Christians — walk around timid, afraid, lacking confidence and feeling bad about themselves.
God loves boldness and He wants us to be confident of His love for us. He wants us to know without a doubt that we are made right with Him through the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross — especially on those days when we feel unworthy of His lo..
Faith in God is an amazing gift. It starts the moment your heart says: I believe Jesus is God's Son and that He came to rescue me. That alone is an incredible truth. But I wonder how many Christians decide that's where their faith ends, when the trut..
Once when I was doing a study of the 23rd Psalm, I read a book about shepherds. In it I learned a lot about the special relationship between a shepherd and his sheep. A shepherd is a manager and a caretaker. He is the owner of his sheep…and he loves ..
Did you ever hear a child proudly proclaim, "That's my daddy"? That child probably really put some emphasis on the word "my." Children have a way of saying it that leaves no doubt they believe their daddy is bigger, smarter and stronger than anyone ..
A humble person is also a happy person. They can take joy in their life and what God has called them to do, regardless of what the world thinks about it.
Mercy is not fair, but it's godly. Not fair, but powerful. Not fair, but Christ-like. And when we do what God leads us to do, He always brings justice into our life. To honor God in this area, we need to learn to trust Him more fully. Every single on..
At one time or another, all of us have experienced a setback or endured a significant loss. Maybe that's where you are today; perhaps you've lost a job, a relationship, or even someone or something you love.
Words are wonderful when they are used in a good way. They can encourage, edify and give confidence to the hearer. A right word spoken at the right time can actually be life-changing (Proverbs 15:23). However, they can also keep us from experiencing ..
So whether we murmur and complain or give thanks and keep a positive attitude, we are feeding our body, mind and spirit. So if you're not enjoying your life, the best thing you can do is think about what you've been talking about.