The Real Benefit of Living for God
Can you imagine how free we would be if we just lived for God and didn’t worry about what others think about us?
- 02/12/2011
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Can you imagine how free we would be if we just lived for God and didn’t worry about what others think about us?
Can you imagine how free we would be if we just lived for God and didn’t worry about what others think about us?
It’s easy to make excuses for giving in to temptation. But when we choose to submit to our temptations rather than what God wants us to do, we are walking in the flesh
Have you ever said or thought, “If You’re really God, then why is this happening to me?”
Can Christians suffer from depression? The answer is YES! I believe that everyone experiences depression to some degree at some time in their lives.
The truth is, I can’t change myself. And I can’t change other people or many circumstances in my life.
I’ve discovered that things in your life will change when you first change your mind.
How would you like to live on vacation? You can…if you’ll learn how to really enter the rest of God.
I’m talking about the tests of life! We all face them. It’s just part of being a Christian in a fallen world. There are many kinds of tests. Here are just a few: Forgiveness Test, Not Complaining Test
Life is hard, but God is good. Have you ever heard that phrase before?
Weary is defined as “exhausted in strength, endurance, vigor, or freshness; having one’s patience, tolerance, or pleasure exhausted.”
Most people go through times when they wonder why, when or what. “Why did that happen?” “When will I ever get what I want?” “What in the world is going on in my life?!” Have you ever asked these questions?
Is it possible to really be satisfied and content all the time?
Are you confident that God cares about you and wants to meet your needs? Do you put your expectations in Him?
The Bible teaches us to live by faith rather than by what we see and feel; however, there are times when God does use our circumstances to speak to us.
Can you be spiritual and intellectual?
At the beginning of the year, it’s common for people to think about things they want to change and set goals to make those changes. It’s good to “take stock” and evaluate yourself every now and then. We all have room to grow and progress to make.
I used to have a real problem with self-pity. Every time the devil would throw a pity party, I would attend. I remember when God began to deal with me about this…
God’s first line of defense – and offense – for every situation is prayer.
Do you ever feel like life is complicated?