The Life You’ve Always Wanted
Jesus came to earth and died for your sins – not just so you can go to heaven when you die, but so you can live according to His example here on earth.
- 11/04/2009
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Jesus came to earth and died for your sins – not just so you can go to heaven when you die, but so you can live according to His example here on earth.
When, God, when? Chances are you’ve prayed that prayer recently. Waiting on God is something we can all relate to, and it’s one of the most important times to remain strong in our faith.
We will all go through situations in life. Many times, we think the phrase "I’m going through something" is bad news
Have you ever faced a situation and said, "There is no way this can be happening to me"?
Have you ever noticed that it’s usually much easier to start a project than to actually finish it?
Would you say that you are living life wholeheartedly or somewhat divided? When you think about serving God, are you settling for doing things that are just good enough or are you committed to excellence?
When I first started my ministry, I felt that God showed me three keys to success. The first was to do whatever I did with excellence.
I want to teach you to fly. Seriously! I want to teach you to soar above the storms of life like an eagle, not flap around the chicken yard like a chicken Christian.
Jesus didn't die so we could have religion. He died so we could have a deep, intimate, personal relationship with God.
I believe that people watch our lives and notice what kind of character we have. I also believe that people want to see Jesus and are crying out, "If He's real, show us!"
I believe there is always power available to us, but a lot of times, we live without power. It’s like sitting in the dark when you could turn the lights on.
I think happiness is a goal all of us can agree on. Let’s face it—we all would like to be happy.
Do you have an easy life? Are you happy? Do you have plenty of money in the bank? Are all of your relationships going well?
Grace is a word we hear quite a bit, but I don’t think we understand what it is like we should.
What is your outlook on life? What is your attitude or your point of view? What do your expectations for the future look like?
Everyone has them — those days when nothing seems to get done, except maybe what you’ve added to your already lengthy to-do list.
Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process of starting a new thing can cause times of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity.
I speak at conferences in cities all over the world and sometimes I ask our crew to place a rocking chair in a conspicuous place on the stage.
He said, “You know, if you really knew how powerful your prayers of faith are, you’d pray much more than you do right now.”
What’s love got to do with it? Love has EVERYTHING to do with it! No matter what the situation is, love should be your primary motivation and your only real consideration.