N. T. Wright is one of the most world's foremost New Testament scholars, a sober-minded man not given to extreme rhetoric. Yet when it came to the question of redefining marriage, Wright did not hold back, explaining how dangerous it is to change the fundamental meaning of words:
Shariah Muslims, Christian Theocrats and Anthrocrats: Ben Carson Didn't Go Far Enough
America Isn't a Theocracy — Because of the Work of Christians
The beginning of American law, the concepts of independence and freedom, is rooted in the belief that moral absolutes exist within a universal standard of justice independent from political rulers. The Judeo-Christian faith is not separate from but foundational to just and fair public policies that encourage human flourishing.
Presidential Candidates Speak Out Against Planned Parenthood, Defend Unborn at Values Voter Summit
Thousands of Christian conservatives gathered in Washington, DC over the past three days, as presidential candidates sought their grassroots support for the 2016 election. Late Saturday, Senator Ted Cruz won the straw poll of attendees at this tenth annual Values Voter Summit with three other candidates also in double digits.
Obama Administration Enables 'Boy Play'
Bill Nye the Science Guy Doesn't Understand the Science of Conception
Back in January, Bill Nye the Science Guy broke many a pro-life millennial's heart when he outed himself as a particularly unscientific pro-abort. Unfortunately, this week he came out with a new video at Big Think imploring, "Can we stop telling women what to do with their bodies"? And once again he's so scandalously wrong on basic human biology that it'll have you doubting everything you ever learned on his show
Pope Francis Speaks Truth to Power
From celebrating Masses at Havana's Revolution Square in Cuba, Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia, to addressing the U.S. Congress and the United Nations – and with lots packed in between – the 78-year-old Pope Francis tirelessly proclaimed the Gospel precepts of human dignity, forgiveness, social justice, peace, the common good, care for the poor and vulnerable, protection of the earth and love for all.
Sex Trafficking Victims Branded by a New King
American Soldiers Shouldn't Be Required to Ignore Child Sex Abuse
Pope Francis Should've Been More Like Mother Teresa in Meeting Kim Davis
Pope Francis made a powerful statement by meeting with gay marriage dissenter Kim Davis. But imagine how much more powerful it would have been had the meeting been public, rather than private.