In a recent interview with Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida), the interviewer asked if she noticed a generational divide between young women and women her age regarding their excitement over Hillary Clinton. The Congresswoman responded
Politics Opinion
The Poverty of Powerball
There are some taxes that folks just love. And in the last two weeks, people have been scrambling to pay one of them. I'm talking about Powerball.
When Political Correctness Equals Political Cowardice
Political correctness has become one of the constants of our age. Many of the examples are more ridiculous than anything else.
The Inside Story of How Prayer Shuttered an Illegal Abortion Center in Selma
The true story is spreading far and wide: following a years-long effort by a unique pro-life coalition, an abortion center in Selma, Alabama which had been operating illegally has finally closed its doors.
20 Point Quiz on Obama Presidency: Pass or Fail?
2,500 days ago expectations ran high as the Obama presidency began. Hailed as an epochal event, the nation's first black Commander-in-chief launched his "fundamental transformation of America."
6.3 Million Gun Owners Could Lose Their Licenses in Virginia
Voters are fickle and often don't pay much attention to races besides the top ones, like president and governor. That must be why Virginians narrowly elected Mark Herring state attorney general two years ago.
Obama and Gun Control: Is There a Christian Perspective?
On Tuesday the President announced executive action on gun control. Now there's no shortage of political takes on the issue. How about a Christian worldview perspective?
Being Found Guilty of 'Transphobia' Could Cost You $250,000
In the last few days and weeks, with relatively little public fanfare, radical legislation was enacted in New York City and Washington State to protect the rights of those who identify as transgender — at the cost of everyone else. And when I say "cost," I'm not exaggerating.
An Open Letter to Old Conservatives From a Millennial Conservative
As a young conservative, I am convinced that a good portion of millennials are disinterested in conservatism in part due to issues of perspective, attitude, and messaging.
Is Gun Control a Christian Issue?
My views on the issue are informed, I hope, by my conscience as a Christian, which is to be shaped by Scripture and the church. But it is not a "Thus saith the Lord" command with the authority of Scripture.
Envoking God's Mercy to End Abortion
In a few weeks, hundreds of thousands of people will join the March for Life in Washington, D.C. What if there were three times that many praying?
More Opinion
Should I Try to Get Lucky With the $1.5B Powerball Lottery?
I'm not a gambler, but what do you think? What's the big deal if I skip a cup of coffee and get a few lottery tickets?
6 Early Warning Signs of Church Dropouts
If everyone who had dropped out of our congregations in the past decade returned, the typical church would triple in worship attendance.
The State of Our Union: America Needs a Great Spiritual Awakening
So, what is the actual spiritual State of Our Union? It is very simple.
Is David Bowie In Heaven?
In his search for meaning, Bowie admittedly tried pretty much everything this culture offered, but did not find the meaning he sought. He was filled with questions throughout his life.
Will Smith's 'Concussion' Highlights Christian Perseverance
America's favorite sport can be brutal. And a Christian doctor's quest to save football players' lives is the subject of a moving new film.
Why Do Many People Hate Preachers?
In a sense, a preacher is called to break the heart, a pastor to mend it; one concentrates on repentance, the other restoration.
5 Things Standing in the Way of Making Christian Schools Better
How many times have you heard someone say, "the more things change the more they stay the same?" Or, how about, "if we could only return to the good old days." It seems to me that in spite of "change," things really don't. Change often is only old or older things that are simply recycled. And no one really wants to go back to the "good old days" because they actually weren't that good.
4 Myths About the Condition of the Church
Are our churches dying? Are young people leaving the church in droves? Is evangelicalism in America all but dead?
Dreaded Church Search: Seeker Friendly (Pt. 2)
Last Sunday, we visited the evangelical non-denominational church on the hill near the interstate. We suddenly found ourselves seated in a seeker-friendly church.
3 Steps to Defeat Doubt and Unbelief
Doubt and unbelief are problems for people who struggle to have a strong faith in God.
Despite What You've Heard, World Is More Religious Than Ever
Everybody knows the world is becoming more secular, right? Wrong.
Islam Is Not the Enemy, But Many Muslims Are
No, Islam is not the enemy, but many Muslims are. This is the critical dilemma that America confronts and must wrestle without any further delay.
What Will (and Will Not) Unite Americans After the Planned Parenthood Shooting
Three innocent people gunned down in the prime of life, six young children made fatherless by the senseless actions of one angry, deranged, anti-social loner given to fits of rage (sound familiar?).
Syrian Refugees: Compassion vs. Protection
How do you balance Christian compassion for the very real suffering Syrian refugees with the God-ordained duty of the divinely ordained civil magistrate to protect the innocent and punish evil doers? (Romans 13: 1-7).
'Woodlawn': A Beacon of Hope
Last year one of my seminary students asked me what turned out to be a most instructive question.
Issue Analysis
Barack Obama, Nikki Haley Both Attack Trump in SOTU and Response
President Barack Obama and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley both attacked Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump during Tuesday night's State of the Union address and the Republican response.
Why Are Democrats Concerned About White People All of a Sudden?
"These Trump supporters are horrible; how do we get their vote?" is the contradictory message heard from various Democratic corners these days.
CP's Top 10 Op-Eds of 2015
The Christian Post would like to thank the many contributors to its opinion page in 2015. We look forward to more collaboration in 2016.
Debate Over Wheaton's Suspension of 'Hijab Prof.' Larycia Hawkins Needs More Grace
The debate over whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God could've been constructive. How did it go so wrong?
Factcheck: Ted Cruz Supported Path to Legal Status in 2013
Though he denied supporting legal status for unauthorized immigrants during Tuesday night's Republican presidential debate, Sen. Ted Cruz told Samuel Rodriguez in 2013 he would support such a measure.
Analysis: Who's Really Leading the Presidential Race Now?
In August, I wrote that Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were leading the presidential race among Republicans, and Hillary Clinton was leading among Democrats. Who is leading now?
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The FDA Has the Blood of Millions of Americans on Its Hands
Can You Live Without Revival?
Why Not Send Your Kids to Government Schools?
Muslim Refugees and Rape: What Should America Do?
Most Popular
Is David Bowie In Heaven?
In his search for meaning, Bowie admittedly tried pretty much everything this culture offered, but did not find the meaning he sought. He was filled with questions throughout his life.
Should I Try to Get Lucky With the $1.5B Powerball Lottery?
I'm not a gambler, but what do you think? What's the big deal if I skip a cup of coffee and get a few lottery tickets?
6 Early Warning Signs of Church Dropouts
If everyone who had dropped out of our congregations in the past decade returned, the typical church would triple in worship attendance.
Dreaded Church Search: Seeker Friendly (Pt. 2)
Last Sunday, we visited the evangelical non-denominational church on the hill near the interstate. We suddenly found ourselves seated in a seeker-friendly church.
Anglican Split Is Really About Scriptural Authority, Not Gay Marriage
The Anglican Church is facing a schism. Or has the schism, in reality, already occurred?
Despite What You've Heard, World Is More Religious Than Ever
Everybody knows the world is becoming more secular, right? Wrong.
Why Not Send Your Kids to Government Schools?
I often ask people, "Who in his right mind ever thought it made any sense whatever to entrust to the government the shaping of the minds of the people by whose consent it is supposed to govern?"