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What's Your Heart's Condition?

Joyce Meyer

No one can guard your heart but you. That is why I believe it is essential to spend time with God, studying His Word yourself, and learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit. What is in your heart will eventually show in your actions and the way you live your life, therefore, the question is what will you allow into your heart?

5 Questions Every Person Must Answer, Including the Religious 'Nones'

Kevin Shrum

These questions are but five of a whole host of questions any belief system must ask and answer. The concerning thing about modern-day atheism is not its existence, but its shallowness. Again, atheism is not new. But one gets the sense that the atheism of the current day is not dealing with the great questions of life and death honestly and forthrightly; rather the new atheism seems to be the yearning for humanity to be totally free from any temporal, external, objective, or eternal explanations, restraints or accountability.

Pastors and Mental Health

Thom Rainer

The issue of mental health and Christians is finally getting some attention. Among the Christians who have challenges, many pastors struggle with depression. We hear too frequently about a pastor committing suicide. And many wonder how such a tragedy could happen to someone whose life was committed to serving the Lord.

There Will Never Be Total Equality in America

matt moore

I don't venture too much into politics in my writing… or even in my own personal thought life. I really just don't care; which is probably due to my young age and my ignorance about the political terminology being thrown around in the news. But the recent talk of Arizona's SB1062 and other changes in legislature regarding gay marriage has finally got me thinking on these things. So the question is…. which is more important? Gay rights or religious rights?

Faith vs. Fear: An Olympic-Sized Challenge

June Hunt Portrait

Fear continues to cast a shadow over major international events, and terrorism experts warn that diligence should always be exercised. But should event participants, and those of us observing from afar, be fearful? When the Bible tells us over and over again to not fear people or circumstances, just how should we respond to the very real threat of terrorism that reverberates all around the world?

Envy or Inequality? – You Decide

Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Md., and Hope Connexion Orlando in Florida, is seen in this file photo.

As someone who is often asked to speak my opinion on radio or television, I know that sound bites can bring powerful results, either positive or negative. Take for example the words of Rev. Fred Lucas Jr., the chaplain for the New York City sanitation department, which he prayed at the recent inauguration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, "Let the plantation called New York City be the city of God, a city set upon the hill, a light shining in darkness."

Does a 'Christian Gene' Exist Within Believers?

Dan Delzell Portrait Seagreen Background

But just who is the wise man? Is it the one with the highest IQ, or maybe the person who loves others the most? Some people are genuinely kind, while others seem to be downright mean-spirited. Is that a result of DNA, or something else entirely?

Why People of Faith Can Embrace the 'Noah' Movie

Noah poster

There has been no shortage of headlines in recent weeks about Paramount Pictures' upcoming feature film Noah – with a fair amount of the coverage speculating about how closely or loosely the movie adheres to the story of the title character as found in the Bible. Now the filmmakers' biblical adviser explains why people of faith should embrace the Noah movie.

American Poor, the Gospel and Theories of Social Justice

Greg Stier

I don't pay much attention to Christian theories of social justice that minimize the Gospel message in the whole process of ministering to the poor. I would guess that many experts who've been perpetuating these theories have never been poor themselves.

Six Major Issues Regarding the Digital Church

Thom Rainer

The "digital church attendees" likely view the worship services online. Some churches now view these persons as integral participants in the life of the church. A small but growing number are willing to grant them membership.

Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness?

Perry Noble

I remember the very first time I ever had to deal with someone who told me they were struggling with anxiety and depression. I did not understand and could not relate — so, I told them what I thought was the typical "Christian" answer to all problems…they should pray more, read their Bible more and memorize more Scripture.

Issue Analysis: Arizona Bill Does Not Give Businesses License to Discriminate Against Gays


Some have claimed that a bill recently passed by the Arizona legislature would give businesses broad license to not serve someone for being gay. This claim, though, may be a misreading, according a CP legislative analysis. While the bill is an attempt to broaden who is covered under its religious freedom protections, in all cases it actually narrows when a religious belief could be used to refuse service.

5 Reasons to Attend Church Regularly

Pastor Rick McDaniel

There is a disturbing trend I am noticing in churches. Maybe it is more in larger, contemporary churches than smaller, traditional churches. But since the majority of all churchgoers now attend larger churches this is of real concern. The trend is the decline in percentage attendance. In other words there are less people attending each church service in comparison with the number of people who call the church their home.

The Beauty of Brokenness

Joyce Meyer

There's a story about a little boy who was very poor and needed shoes. He was standing in front of a shoe store, barefoot and shivering with cold. A woman approached him and asked him why he was standing there, looking through the window. He told her, "Well, ma'am, I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes." The woman took the boy into the store, washed his dirty, bare feet and put new socks and shoes on them. The boy was so touched by her compassion that he asked her, "Ma'am, are you God's wife?"


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Romeike's and Michael Farris
(Photo: Home School Legal Defense Association)

Supreme Court Declines to Review Asylum Case of German Homeschoolers

The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Monday to hear an appeal from the Romeikes, a German homeschooling family that had asylum in the United States. The U.S. Justice Department sought to deport them back to Germany where they could lose custody of their children due to their religious beliefs.


wtc cross, world trade center cross
(Photo: Reuters /Peter Morgan)

American Atheists Lawsuit Against 'World Trade Center Cross' Goes Before Appeals Court

Oral arguments in a lawsuit by an atheist organization against the placement of the "World Trade Center cross" at a museum on government property will take place later this week.

First Names and Character: How Godly Is Your Name?

Map of Church Attendance

A political strategy firm has developed a tool that can approximate how many people with a certain name are Republican or Democrat, and how many attend religious services weekly. Former pastor and "Duck Dynasty" star Alan Robertson and Jim Bob Duggar, the patriarch of the Duggar family on "19 Kids and Counting" agree that Christian parents should carefully consider what to name their children.

(Photo: Brian Braun)

Talks Between Breakaway Texas Congregation Leaders and PCUSA Over Disputed Property Fail

A mediation process between a breakaway Texas megachurch and the mainline denomination it once belonged to over disputed church property has failed to produce a result.

Noah poster
(Photo: Paramount Pictures)

Studio Disclaimer: 'Noah' Blockbuster 'Takes Liberties' but Remains Faithful to Bible Themes

In response to the controversy about the forthcoming blockbuster "Noah," Paramount Pictures has released a disclaimer that the film, while it accurately presents the biblical themes, has taken some license in storytelling.