Would Jesus bake cakes for same-sex weddings? It's a good question, but there's more to this whole issue than just WWJD. Every good baker and photographer I know who take their work seriously see themselves as participating in the ceremonies they service, especially weddings.
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What's Your Heart's Condition?

No one can guard your heart but you. That is why I believe it is essential to spend time with God, studying His Word yourself, and learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit. What is in your heart will eventually show in your actions and the way you live your life, therefore, the question is what will you allow into your heart?
5 Questions Every Person Must Answer, Including the Religious 'Nones'

These questions are but five of a whole host of questions any belief system must ask and answer. The concerning thing about modern-day atheism is not its existence, but its shallowness. Again, atheism is not new. But one gets the sense that the atheism of the current day is not dealing with the great questions of life and death honestly and forthrightly; rather the new atheism seems to be the yearning for humanity to be totally free from any temporal, external, objective, or eternal explanations, restraints or accountability.
From Hobby Lobby to World Vision: How Should Christian Organizations Remain Faithful to Mission in 21st Century?
Popcorn vs. Preaching: What the 'Son of God' Movie Is (and Isn't)
Pastors and Mental Health

The issue of mental health and Christians is finally getting some attention. Among the Christians who have challenges, many pastors struggle with depression. We hear too frequently about a pastor committing suicide. And many wonder how such a tragedy could happen to someone whose life was committed to serving the Lord.
A New Church for the New America: The Big Stretch of the Multiethnic Church (Pt. 3)

"There are no people here anymore." The line was a shocker. The church leader was explaining to my wife and me why his congregation was selling its massive church facility and moving away. Yet we could see hundreds of houses, all full of human beings. But to reach them required a stretch he and the congregation couldn't even conceive.
Why Are Christians the World's Most Persecuted Group?
There Will Never Be Total Equality in America

I don't venture too much into politics in my writing… or even in my own personal thought life. I really just don't care; which is probably due to my young age and my ignorance about the political terminology being thrown around in the news. But the recent talk of Arizona's SB1062 and other changes in legislature regarding gay marriage has finally got me thinking on these things. So the question is…. which is more important? Gay rights or religious rights?
Faith vs. Fear: An Olympic-Sized Challenge

Fear continues to cast a shadow over major international events, and terrorism experts warn that diligence should always be exercised. But should event participants, and those of us observing from afar, be fearful? When the Bible tells us over and over again to not fear people or circumstances, just how should we respond to the very real threat of terrorism that reverberates all around the world?
Envy or Inequality? – You Decide

As someone who is often asked to speak my opinion on radio or television, I know that sound bites can bring powerful results, either positive or negative. Take for example the words of Rev. Fred Lucas Jr., the chaplain for the New York City sanitation department, which he prayed at the recent inauguration of Mayor Bill de Blasio, "Let the plantation called New York City be the city of God, a city set upon the hill, a light shining in darkness."
Camels and Babylonian Floods Disprove the Bible? Am I Missing Something?

This month has seen op-ed pieces in CNN and other locales saying that recent discoveries about domesticated camels in Israel prove the Bible has erred. One needs to realize that archaeology deals with recovered remains and the realization that we have not found everything that was (and surely will never recover most of what was).
A New Church for the New America: The Big Stretch of the Multiethnic Church (Pt. 2)
Does a 'Christian Gene' Exist Within Believers?
Gender Roles In Marriage (Part 2): Are Husbands Failing Their Wives?
Why People of Faith Can Embrace the 'Noah' Movie

There has been no shortage of headlines in recent weeks about Paramount Pictures' upcoming feature film Noah – with a fair amount of the coverage speculating about how closely or loosely the movie adheres to the story of the title character as found in the Bible. Now the filmmakers' biblical adviser explains why people of faith should embrace the Noah movie.
Why Did Harvard and the YMCA Stray From Their Christian Roots?
Love Jesus to Find Your Soul Mate
Chuck Hagel's Smoke and Mirrors
American Poor, the Gospel and Theories of Social Justice
Six Major Issues Regarding the Digital Church
Should Christians Take Medication for Mental Illness?

I remember the very first time I ever had to deal with someone who told me they were struggling with anxiety and depression. I did not understand and could not relate — so, I told them what I thought was the typical "Christian" answer to all problems…they should pray more, read their Bible more and memorize more Scripture.
Issue Analysis: Arizona Bill Does Not Give Businesses License to Discriminate Against Gays

Some have claimed that a bill recently passed by the Arizona legislature would give businesses broad license to not serve someone for being gay. This claim, though, may be a misreading, according a CP legislative analysis. While the bill is an attempt to broaden who is covered under its religious freedom protections, in all cases it actually narrows when a religious belief could be used to refuse service.
Olympian With Wife and Child Has an 'Alternative Lifestyle'
Babies and the Not-So-Blank Slate: Morality Isn't Invented
5 Reasons to Attend Church Regularly

There is a disturbing trend I am noticing in churches. Maybe it is more in larger, contemporary churches than smaller, traditional churches. But since the majority of all churchgoers now attend larger churches this is of real concern. The trend is the decline in percentage attendance. In other words there are less people attending each church service in comparison with the number of people who call the church their home.
The Beauty of Brokenness

There's a story about a little boy who was very poor and needed shoes. He was standing in front of a shoe store, barefoot and shivering with cold. A woman approached him and asked him why he was standing there, looking through the window. He told her, "Well, ma'am, I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes." The woman took the boy into the store, washed his dirty, bare feet and put new socks and shoes on them. The boy was so touched by her compassion that he asked her, "Ma'am, are you God's wife?"

Supreme Court Declines to Review Asylum Case of German Homeschoolers
The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Monday to hear an appeal from the Romeikes, a German homeschooling family that had asylum in the United States. The U.S. Justice Department sought to deport them back to Germany where they could lose custody of their children due to their religious beliefs.
Russia Military Takes Control of Ukraine Peninsula; Britain Calls Crisis 'Biggest in 21st Century'
British Foreign Secretary William Hague has called the growing crisis in Ukraine the "biggest in Europe in the 21st Century" as 6,000 Russian troops took control of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine on Monday.

American Atheists Lawsuit Against 'World Trade Center Cross' Goes Before Appeals Court
Oral arguments in a lawsuit by an atheist organization against the placement of the "World Trade Center cross" at a museum on government property will take place later this week.
Rick Warren Squashes Rumors; Says He Strongly Opposes Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Law

Pastor Rick Warren on Sunday strongly condemned rumors that he supported a controversial law passed in Uganda last week that allows those convicted of homosexuality to be imprisoned for life. The pastor of California's Saddleback Church underscored that he is against the law today just as he was in 2009 when it was first proposed.
Matthew McConaughey Praises God in Oscar Acceptance Speech: 'When You Got God, You Got a Friend'

Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey, 44, triggered a love-hate reaction and a viral video Sunday when he thanked God profusely after winning the best actor Oscar for his role as Ron Woodroof in "Dallas Buyer's Club."
Bill Nye Says He Hopes Ken Ham's Ark Encounter Project 'Goes Out of Business'

A day after Ken Ham, president and CEO of the creationist organization Answer in Genesis announced he would be moving forward with plans to build a life-sized replica of Noah's ark, Bill Nye, his former debate opponent, said he hopes "the Ark Encounter goes out of business."
Conservative NYT Columnist on What to Expect When Gay Marriage Becomes Legal in 50 Sates

A conservative New York Times columnist, Ross Douthat, writes that it's perhaps only a matter of time when same-sex marriage becomes legal in all 50 states, ruminating on what it might be like for those who believe in traditional marriage when that happens.
Disney Attempts to Force Boy Scouts Over Gay Leaders Ban; Threatens to Halt Funding

The Walt Disney Company has notified the Boy Scouts of America that it will withdraw all funding from the organization beginning 2015 unless the BSA overturns its policy of not allowing openly gay members to be leaders.
American Atheists Tells CPAC to Sever Ties With Christianity

Days after being disinvited from next week's Conservative Political Action Conference, American Atheists called on the conservative movement to sever its "close ties to dogmatic religious beliefs."
First Names and Character: How Godly Is Your Name?

A political strategy firm has developed a tool that can approximate how many people with a certain name are Republican or Democrat, and how many attend religious services weekly. Former pastor and "Duck Dynasty" star Alan Robertson and Jim Bob Duggar, the patriarch of the Duggar family on "19 Kids and Counting" agree that Christian parents should carefully consider what to name their children.

Talks Between Breakaway Texas Congregation Leaders and PCUSA Over Disputed Property Fail
A mediation process between a breakaway Texas megachurch and the mainline denomination it once belonged to over disputed church property has failed to produce a result.
Pope Francis Allows Married Man to Join Priesthood for First Time in Nearly 100 Years

Pope Francis has signed off on a married man's decision to join the priesthood in the Maronite Catholic Church. Deacon Wissam Akiki, of St. Louis, Mo., who is married and has a daughter, was expected to be ordained in a the Maronite church.
Steven Furtick Rips Critics; 'I'm Too Scared of God' to Manipulate Baptisms, That's Just Sick,' He Says, Then Baptizes 400

Young Elevation Church Pastor and Crash the Chatterbox author Steven Furtick shot back at critics of his church's baptism tactics this week, declaring from his pulpit Saturday, "I'm too scared of God' to manipulate baptisms. He went on to baptize 400 people the same night.
North Carolina Church Gives 'Homeless Jesus' Sculpture a Home

A North Carolina congregation has permanently installed the controversial "Homeless Jesus" sculpture that had been previous rejected by other churches in the United States and Canada.
Texas Presbyterian Church Leadership Felt 'Confusion,' 'Anger' on Vote to Stay With PCUSA

Leadership of a Texas megachurch whose congregation narrowly defeated a measure to disaffiliate from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) expressed anger and confusion in an official letter regarding the matter.

Studio Disclaimer: 'Noah' Blockbuster 'Takes Liberties' but Remains Faithful to Bible Themes
In response to the controversy about the forthcoming blockbuster "Noah," Paramount Pictures has released a disclaimer that the film, while it accurately presents the biblical themes, has taken some license in storytelling.
Movie Review: In the End, 'Heaven Is for Real' Is Really About Our Own Questions

The skeptic inside of us may knee-jerk away from going to see "Heaven Is for Real." However, may I suggest fighting that impulse and instead, taking yourself to see an extremely powerful movie that, in the end, is a movie about us?
Hollywood's Revisiting of Exodus Story a Part of Throwback 'Year of the Bible'

In a throwback to the golden age of cinema, Hollywood has declared 2014 the "Year of the Bible." From Ridley Scott's "Exodus" starring Christian Bale as Moses, to Russell Crowe playing Noah, Hollywood is gambling on new innovations in technology and star power to revisit some of the most popular stories ever told.
One Billion People Will Watch 'Son of God' Movie, Mark Burnett Predicts

Producer Mark Burnett predicts that "a billion" people will see his new film "Son of God," which opens in theaters today.
Jenelle Evans of 'Teen Mom 2' Takes False Positive Pregnancy Test After Abortion

In the most recent episode of "Teen Mom 2," cast member Jenelle Evans found out that her recent abortion gave her a false pregnancy test.

Ex-Pope Benedict XVI Denies Being Forced to Resign Last Year
The former head of the Roman Catholic Church whose resignation last year made headlines across the globe has denied that he was forced into retirement.
Archaeologists Discover Silver Earrings in Biblical City

Israeli and American archaeologists have found what appear to be silver hoop earrings discovered from a biblical-era site in northern Israel and believed to have been used for trade before the invention of coins.
David Yonggi Cho of South Korean Megachurch Supported by American Pastor Bob Rodgers After $12M Embezzlement Conviction

American megachurch pastor, Bob Rodgers, has defended Pastor David Yonggi Cho after the pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea, was convicted last week of embezzling $12 million of the church's funds.
Baptist Pastor, Oleksandr Turchynov, Named Acting President of Ukraine; Christians Thank God for Peace

After watching their country erupt into months of angry anti-government protests, Christians in Ukraine praised a peace deal that ended the protests as well as the appointment of Baptist pastor Dr. Oleksandr Turchynov as their interim president.

Galaxy S5, Gear 2 and Gear Neo Release Dates and Specs Revealed by Samsung
Samsung confirmed the release date for the Galaxy S5, Galaxy Gear 2 and Gear Neo for April 11, 2014.
States That Ban Gay Marriage Dominate CNBC's 'Best Business' List

States that ban same-sex marriage either by law or by constitutional amendment make up the top 10 best states for business, according to CNBC.