Greek Debt and the Goddess Aphrodite
Deficit spending and sexual conquests fulfill short-term fantasies. But these misdeeds always come back to bite you in the end.
- 07/15/2015
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Deficit spending and sexual conquests fulfill short-term fantasies. But these misdeeds always come back to bite you in the end.
Those who stood outside admiring the White House rainbow held signs saying, "Love Wins." But in the Bible, love wins when a person renounces sin and turns away from it while trusting Christ for forgiveness.
"So if Jesus died for the sins of the world as the Bible teaches, then why doesn't everyone get to join Him in heaven one day? After all, we are all sinners, right? What else is necessary?"
Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has imposed same-sex marriage upon every state in the nation, it would be wise for each of us to think through this issue a little deeper. And so here are 20 questions for anyone who supports this newfangled definition..
In some ways, evolutionists and atheists are similar to those who believe in creationism and Christianity. Man longs for certainty. And if he is unsure about God, then he is prone to grasp for certainty in science.
If you could wave a magic wand and be granted just one wish, what would it be? And what if rather than a magic wand, you simply needed to present that request to God, with the guarantee that it would be given to you? That is, assuming it does not inv..
If a person is going to love God, he must first know the one true God. In other words, he needs to have a relationship with Him. Warm and fuzzy feelings for your "higher power" is one thing. Knowing God personally, specifically, and spiritually is qu..
Tony Campolo has been a man on a mission for some time now. As a professor, sociologist, pastor, public speaker, and author, Campolo has always endeavored to live out his faith. He has also sought to present Christianity in what he feels is the most ..
Most Christians want everyone to grasp God's love for them. And with that in mind, here are 7 things believers want unbelievers to know:
Meditation works. It really does. But not all meditation is created equal. There is a huge disparity when it comes to what you actually receive from one type of meditation to the next.
Do you believe everything that comes across your television screen, or pops up on your computer? Of course not. Likewise, we should be careful that we don't believe everything we think. Some of the stuff which enters our mind has no business being th..
As you might imagine, this analogy strikes a chord with inmates. It would be like a dream come true. Someone else already paid for the crimes you committed. And if this scenario was actually real, imagine how quickly the good news would spread among ..
The idea of "sexual orientation" is the world's way of trying to explain why people experience various sexual desires. In reality, all of us experience some measure of sexual "disorientation." The presence of sin within human nature causes confusion ..
Bruce Jenner waited until the age of 65 to start living as a woman. But what if he changes his mind, again? Would he still be accepted by those who have been celebrating his recent transgender announcement? Or would they turn on him if he decided he ..
In spite of the opulence he chooses to lavish on himself, this multimillionaire makes no apology for piling up a personal fortune. Creflo's appetite for luxury and excessive indulgence seems insatiable.
Some sexual sins tend to be portrayed as "worse" than others. But Pastor Stanley recognizes that no one who steps into a church should be made to feel like a second-class sinner. We are all flawed and in need of God's grace. We are all broken by sin,..
If you had to guess, which religion do you think is the most popular? Here is a clue. Billions of people travel this well-worn path, as they place eternal hope in their own ability to secure the ultimate reward.
All of us tend to wonder about suffering on a "macro level," as well as a "micro level." On the macro level, "Why does God allow so much suffering in the world?" And on the micro level, "Why did God allow such a painful situation to enter my life, or..
You have probably seen the State Farm commercials. People who find themselves in a precarious situation simply speak a magic mantra to summon their insurance genie: "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." And poof, an agent is instantly teleport..
You have probably seen the State Farm commercials. People who find themselves in a precarious situation simply speak a magic mantra to summon their insurance genie: "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there." And poof, an agent is instantly teleport..