Death With Dignity? There Is No Dignity in Taking Your Own Life
The push to allow terminally ill people to take their own life is on in both Washington D.C. and California.
- 07/16/2015
- Tag: Politics
The push to allow terminally ill people to take their own life is on in both Washington D.C. and California.
The Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday about whether states can legally choose to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. It is a defining moment in our nation's history. Though marriage between a man and a woman has existed sinc..
Jesus chose to accept the unacceptable. The gospel of Matthew 26:37-38 tells us, "He (Jesus) began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, 'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.'" In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus pray..
If you don't agree with this teaching that is your prerogative but to call it poison is absurd. The poison is the damaged relationships, the poison is the divorce, the poison is the porn addiction. The knife you speak of is not one bringing hurt or d..
The uproar over the decision by Duke University to begin a weekly Muslim call to prayer from the campus chapel should have never happened. Never. How such a decision was ever made to begin with is mystifying to say the least. That no one spoke up to ..
The start of a new year is always an opportunity. It is a fresh beginning, a new chapter, another chance to get it right. Why would anyone not take advantage of such a moment? Some will say it is not good to make resolutions because no one ever keeps..
Ebola, ISIS, UVA student abduction – everywhere we turn there are disturbing events unfolding. All of this can lead to a fear of the future. I believe the number one issue people struggle with in normal circumstances is fear, but it is especially sig..
There are many Christian leaders today who are calling for a spiritual awakening. Many who believe we need a genuine move of God that powerfully changes lives. There are those who say we must have the basic components of prayer and repentance to brin..
I do have my concerns or at least reservations about the whole charity selfie phenomenon. I was recently reading about the history of Hawaii. The stories of the sacrifices Christian missionaries made to serve the people of Hawaii were incredible.
These barriers can keep the power we need from being manifested in our lives and country. James 5:16 tells us, "The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." But is unrighteousness the only barrier to powerful and effective prayer? I am c..
What identifies you as being part of God's team? Simply going to church occasionally or even regularly is not enough. What identifies you is being a member of a local church. Being a Christ follower makes you part of The Church but membership is what..
As we walked through ancient Jerusalem I was enamored by much of what I saw but I was waiting for the ultimate site. Finally our trip leader brought us to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre built on the site where Jesus was crucified, buried and rose a..
I do not know of many Christians who have not at some time had a crisis point in their walk with God. How we respond to such a crisis in many ways determines our future maturity as a Christian. Certainly the fact that there are today some who once kn..
There is a disturbing trend I am noticing in churches. Maybe it is more in larger, contemporary churches than smaller, traditional churches. But since the majority of all churchgoers now attend larger churches this is of real concern. The trend is th..
The recent Phil Robertson Duck Dynasty controversy brought it up again. Bill O'Reilly quoted it on Fox News; Don Lemon quoted it on CNN. The favorite verse of the Bible referenced in the public sphere is Matthew 7:1, "Judge not, lest you be judged." ..
As you look toward a new year the hope may be that this could be your year, the year that you have a great comeback. You may have gotten divorced, lost your job, had a health problem, lost a loved one or had another setback. Whatever the case, you ca..
Christmas can be a very stressful time. It is a frenzied season full of expectations and obligations. Decorations need to be put up, baking has to be done, presents have to be purchased and relatives must be visited. It is quite possible that in a se..
The half-truths, lies and myths about Christianity seem to increase at the rate of social media growth. There are falsehoods about science and Christianity, the divinity of Christ and the veracity of the Bible. There are so many half-truths it would ..
The Supreme Court has ruled on gay marriage, but this highly complex and emotional issue is far from being settled. The attempt to reshape or redefine marriage will be met with fervent and persistent opposition. Just as forty years after Roe v. Wade ..