Donald Trump Shakes Up the 2016 Campaign
Donald Trump is proving that conservatives can play that game, too. Just days after Trump warned that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.
- 07/14/2015
- Tag: Politics
Donald Trump is proving that conservatives can play that game, too. Just days after Trump warned that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.
After spending most of June giving President Obama new authority to negotiate trade deals with low-wage countries in Asia, congressional Republicans are now poised to spend July giving Obama new authority over education in America's public schools.
Ann Coulter lives up to her reputation of issuing warnings and political commentary that nobody else dares to say in her newest book, Adios, America!
Congress, led by Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner, is preparing to betray American workers, and the grassroots should rise up and say, "No, you don't." The secretive underhanded deal is called Fast Track, and that's an appropriate title ..
Why was Walter Scott running away from a policeman who tried to stop him for a broken taillight? The media are trying to make a South Carolina policeman's killing of a black man, Walter Scott, another sensational case of racism, but the media have mi..
A new hearing will be held on April 28, and defenders of the traditional definition of marriage are just now having their say. On Friday, dozens of briefs were filed in the Supreme Court, urging the Court not to take the step that liberals have decla..
Seeing as the costs will come due only after Barack Obama has left the White House, I guess he doesn't care how high those costs are. But the costs are horrendous, as just added up by our country's foremost authority on such things, Robert Rector of ..
It seems so early, but eager candidates are already lining up to become the Republican nominee for president in the important race of 2016. There has already been one showcasing in Iowa, and candidates are seeking opportunities to strut their stuff a..
The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic.
"It hit a nerve," Rudy Giuliani observed about his widely reported insight that President Obama does not love America. Amid the uproar from the liberal media that anyone would dare question a liberal's patriotism, the former mayor of New York City is..
The best guide for action is the "Immigration Handbook for the New Republican Majority" by Sen. Jeff Sessions issued a couple of weeks ago.
It's Roe v. Wade all over again, as the Supreme Court is poised to invent a new right to same-sex marriage found nowhere in the four corners of the Constitution. Fortunately, the Founders gave us checks and balances against this overreaching in power..
Prospects are especially dismal for those who have been out of work for a half-year or more. A shocking 31.9 percent of the unemployed, about 2.8 million, have been out of work for 27 or more weeks, and that figure remained virtually unchanged last m..
There are 250 million Christians in America today, but most seem to be oblivious of the fact that they and their religion are under steady attack from those who apparently hate Christianity, or at least want to expunge Christianity from any public pl..
The Obama administration is now trying to outlaw single-sex classrooms, a practice that has been growing as parents and teachers see its good results.
Obama received a thundering rejection to his attempt to make the November Congressional election a referendum on his policies. And the biggest Republican majority elected in more than 60 years promised to bring new life to Congress.
President Barack Obama proudly announced that his policies would be on the ballot in the Nov. 4 midterm elections. He got his response loud and clear: The American people said, "No, thanks."
Republicans won a big victory in the midterm elections, so big that the media are calling it a "wave." Is President Obama planning to cope with this by "working together" and "bipartisanship"? The New York Times gave us his answer on the front page.
Barack Obama has suddenly made himself the leader of a new war on women. In a Rhode Island pre-election campaign speech, he repudiated the principle of giving choices about careers to women.
Control of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs on Nov. 4, and illegal voters may tip the balance. Estimates are that more than 14 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote in the elections of 2008 and 2010, and that could now easily exceed the marg..