Obergefell Fallout: Heather Has Two Daddies—and No Mommy
The destruction of the American family is more likely a cause than a consequence of the gay-rights movement.
- 07/14/2015
- Tag: Homosexuality Court Cases
The destruction of the American family is more likely a cause than a consequence of the gay-rights movement.
Physicians from North Carolina, along with some from around the country who were in Raleigh for a meeting, had a unique opportunity to chat with Dr. Ben Carson last week. We heard some original ideas—and some facts that all presidential candidates sh..
About $6 billion per year is now spent on a cocktail of drugs to treat "HIV disease"—a positive blood test for antibody for human immunodeficiency virus, the accepted cause for AIDS.
The Obama Administration was apparently shocked when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the case of King v. Burwell, which challenges insurance subsidies flowing through federal Exchanges. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) clearly states that subsidie..
Not just Barack Obama, but all politicians promise to protect Medicare—even if they are robbing it to pay for ObamaCare. They don't promise that you can keep your Medicare doctor, however.
When people clamor for Congress to pass a "free-market health plan," they are forgetting two things: Congress only does laws, which restrict freedom. We need fewer laws, not more. And the free market is by nature not a plan.
Now that Republicans have control of Congress, they could possibly keep their promise to repeal ObamaCare—except for two immediate obstacles.
The whole country has heard the saga of the President's sore throat. Many people who have a similar problem—or a true emergency—might compare his treatment with theirs
Maybe the country that claims to have the "best healthcare system in the world" can get away with ignoring basic public health strategies that have worked for centuries. Perhaps we can say, "It can't happen here." After all, Ebola seems to have gone ..
Thousands of killings get no national mention, and no presidential speech. Who will hear of Zemir Begic, a legal immigrant from Bosnia who was bludgeoned to death with hammers in St. Louis on Nov 30? His attackers, black and Hispanic teenagers, were ..
Republicans can no longer blame Harry Reid for their failure to repeal or defund ObamaCare. They can't just take symbolic votes and complain when bills get bottled up in the Senate. It's on them now.
Have you wondered why Ebola patients are being sent to Omaha, Nebraska? It's because one physician, Dr. Philip Smith, had the foresight to set up the Nebraska Biocontainment Patient Care Unit after the 9/11 attacks as a bulwark against bioterrorism.
Some 3,000 American soldiers are arriving in Africa to fight an Ebola epidemic that is doubling about every 3 weeks, with the number of infections projected to reach 1.4 million by January.
Still more argue that America is not a Christian nation now. Barack Obama said on June 28, 2006: "Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation—at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hi..
American soldiers are "bringing the war home": 22 veterans and one active duty soldier are said to commit suicide every day. Some estimate that more than 30 lives are lost every day.
Ebola is familiar to Americans as the stuff of science-fiction horror novels, and is an ongoing real-life horror story in Africa. Viral hemorrhagic fevers, of which Ebola is one example, have killed fewer than 3,000 people over 40 years. So why the h..
Most veterans get most of their medical care from private doctors through Medicare or private insurance. Just think what those secret waiting lists would be like if they didn't!
The bizarre disappearance of Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 might sound like an episode from the Twilight Zone, when an aircraft vanishes into a different dimension and emerges in an earlier time.
Even as ObamaCare is trying to self-destruct, its advocates suggest a détente in which "Republicans recognize the conservative nature of the law," in the words of Austin Frakt in Bloomberg News.