Dangerous Debt: Lessons From Greece
In this Greek drama there are no good guys, only bad guys.
- 07/03/2015
- Tag: Economic Crisis Government
In this Greek drama there are no good guys, only bad guys.
This Friday the Labor Department will release the Jobs Report for May. The monthly Jobs Report is based on data from a survey of 60,000 households and from a separate survey of business establishments.
Our largest expenditure each year, by far, is the share of earnings that goes to our national government. Like me, you probably carefully consider how to spend each available dollar left over after taxes.
Frankly, I'm bored and wearied by the ongoing efforts of zealous "progressives" to demonize the "one percent".
A temporary timeout was called this week in the on-going Greek debt tragedy. Euro-zone officials and Greek politicians agreed on Friday to a four month extension of the default deadline to give themselves more time to find a solution to the intractab..
To put these numbers into perspective, the Dow would have to rise an average of 27 points per week to gain an 8% return for the whole year, close to its historical average return. The last six trading days wiped out nearly a half-year of average gain..
One hundred years ago this month, a brilliant young British economist, Dennis Robertson, published, "A Study of Industrial Fluctuations". Economists regard it as a classic in the theory of the business cycle.
I am angered however at the senselessness of the whole tragic episode. Why were the police even involved in this confrontation of a man who was bothering nobody? Mr. Garner was engaged in a peaceful act of enterprise, trying to earn a little income t..
Constitutional government in America, but could lead to even further damage to the rule of law. No, I am not referring to the elections.
Social Security is unsustainable at its present level of benefits and taxes. To put Social Security on a sound footing, Congress will have to cut pension benefits or increase tax rates. Congress will not raise tax rates to pay for Social Security. Wh..
This week the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve will meet to consider the next phase of monetary policy. The Fed, through the policy decisions of the FOMC, has been engaged in a policy known as "quantitative easing", or QE. ..
The Tea Party sprung up in spontaneous protests at "town hall" style meetings, and then in more organized rallies to push back on the government takeover of their lives. The Tea Party took a principled stand for Constitutional, limited government, co..
It seems that every day a new review of Thomas Pikkety's book, Capital in the Twenty First Century, appears on the scene. I've certainly gained new insights about political economics from reading these essays, both pro and con. Thankfully, as a resul..
This week CNBC reported on its quarterly All America poll, a survey on a variety of political economy topics. One of the topics in the report was the attitude of people towards increasing the minimum wage.
Last week, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported that the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) would likely have a significantly larger negative effect on the labor supply decisions of Americans than previously estimated. They now estimate t..
According to the 2012 Social Security Trustees Report, benefit payments under Social Security are 36% higher than what is provided for by the scheduled Social Security tax rates. This is only one example of the fiscal irresponsibility we have allowed..