Resurrecting the 'E' Word
When I use the word “evangelism” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
- 04/18/2010
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When I use the word “evangelism” what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
Gracephobia is alive and well and it demonstrates itself in the adding of human effort as a pre-requisite to genuine conversion.
Read Spurgeon, Whitefield and Wesley. Read old sermons and old books from old dudes. Why? Because these guys weren’t distracted by Tivo or Facebook or Twitter.
Enough of depending on outreach meetings and evangelists to do the work for us! Let us turn our churches, youth groups, small groups
“Okay, I’m done talking about evangelism. Now we are going to do it.”
Jesus knew that when the disciples were put in a position of danger that they would be forced to either trust in him or run and hide.
What’s your flat tire? In other words what are your personal and ministry capacity challenges?
I’m tired of holding my breath waiting for American evangelicals to realize that this country is not going to be converted to Christ politically.
"Daddy God doesn’t talk to me. He is quiet. Why doesn’t he talk to me with words?"
Many youth leaders have been distracted from the original call of Christ to reach the lost by making disciples who make disciples.
You may think that I’m going to go off on the upcoming To Save a Life movie as one of those Christian movies whose budget, cinematography standards, plot and acting have been, well, left behind. But I’m not.
God doesn’t view tragedy like we do. While we tend to see death as a tragedy, God sees it as transition.
Evangelism is often looked at as the red headed step child (apologies to any reading this right now) of the youth ministry world.
Economic strain will force churches to go primal. The new spirituality will leave “that old time religion” in the dust. Evangelism will become a hate crime in America.
Can you hear St. Nick crying? Before we transformed him into Santa he was a real man of flesh and blood.
There are 67,342 high schools and middle schools in America. We only have 24 staff members at Dare 2 Share. Those odds are 2,800 to one.
I can imagine Jesus saying, "But did you make disciples?" and us stuttering out a, "Well, we went to a lot of meetings."
Have you ever wondered why the word revival is never mentioned in the New Testament? The concept is not even hinted at.
Beside dying on the cross for someone else's sins, it is the ultimate way you can love your neighbor.
How dare youth leaders be like a good teacher who stands, delivers the truth and demands that their kids advance, grow, engage and, well, learn.