What Your Youth Pastor and the Verizon Guy Have in Common
The Verizon guy is my new favorite illustration of what youth leaders are called to be. Our teenagers are in "the dead zone" every day.
- 10/14/2009
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The Verizon guy is my new favorite illustration of what youth leaders are called to be. Our teenagers are in "the dead zone" every day.
Want to share your faith for a full day in natural conversation and make a few bucks in the process?
Did you know that the term "The Great Commission" is never found in the Bible?
I propose we add an 11th Commandment. The Decalogue seems incomplete for a postmodern culture. "Thou shalt not judge." Okay, so I'm being sarcastic here.
You are a very bright girl and, if the Spirit of God truly does dwell in you, you can't help but know better.
Everyone, to a greater or lesser degree, is crazy…except Jesus.
Although I've been called to drive out the sinful practices of the former inhabitants too often I entertain some of the old habits of the flesh.
For those who don’t know Christ, this is as good as it gets.
Thank you Lord for pain. Through it you draw me closer to you. By it you drive me to my knees in prayer.
I was raised listening to Michael Jackson's music. But as much as I loved his music I have to admit that he caused me much personal pain.
We just keep giving the unregenerate more and more reasons not to believe in Jesus.
In the words of Charles Spurgeon, “Some brethren pray by the yard, but true prayer is measured by weight-not length."
As I read through Bible I am always secretly impressed at how often and in how many ways the kingdom of God is mentioned or eluded to in some way.
The web can be a hissing snake of temptation trying to get us, not only to bite the apple, but to keep chomping on it all day and night.
David's passionate love for God led to the equal and opposite reaction of his passionate hatred for sin.
Instead of being the good news people, evangelicals often come off as the bad news bears.
Before you knee jerk an answer think deeply about it for a moment. Because if you study the Gospels closely you will see that he was tolerant of sinners, but not of sin.
I've been sharing my faith for 32 years and I totally choked in a McDonald's the other day.
Do you think Jesus would have been on Twitter if it was available while He was on earth?
I honestly don't think that God's wrath gets enough publicity in this pop culture of happy, sappy Christianity.