Discipleship on a Youth Group Level
Discipleship on a youth group level is much more than helping teenagers to understand God’s Word and live godly lives.
- 03/13/2009
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Discipleship on a youth group level is much more than helping teenagers to understand God’s Word and live godly lives.
From time to time I get asked the question, "Do you see salvation as a process or a point in time?" My answer is always "YES!" I believe salvation is both.
I wrote this poem about ten years ago but, unfortunately, I think it’s still pretty relevant.
Some youth leaders are on a search for UFOs. They spend night and day on a quest for ET, Everything Tangential.
Nobody knows the future but God. But here’s my guesses at what’s going to unfold in the U.S.A. in the years to come.
Often I find myself wishing others a “Happy New Year!” around this time. As if that really matters. Honestly who cares if our year is a happy one?
But while on Christian television I never once asked for money, wore a $3,000 suit or sported any TV preacher bling.
For many Christians watching a Nooma video is as deep as it gets when it comes to absorbing truth.
Going wide with the gospel is only half of the disciple making equation. Growing deep is the other half.
Well that would be the beginning of the first day of eternity. But we worry about how big our biceps are in the inch.
Have you ever met a truly impoverished Christian in a 3rd world country? It’s hard for me to remember one of them that seemed truly sad.
I am doing two youth leader trainings in Atlanta at the ESPN Zone. I love this particular training. It’s called “How to turn your youth group into a reality series!”
When it comes to outreach in many youth groups and churches the “e” word is getting edged out by social justice issues.
How many people do you think will be in heaven because they read some words on the back of a car and were “driven” to become Christians.
It’s always interesting to me when I hear people share what they believe about the existence of God and which God they believe in.