3 Reasons Why the Church Should Focus More on Teens
Teens can take the gospel further and faster than adults do. Teenagers are itching for a cause.
- 04/07/2011
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Teens can take the gospel further and faster than adults do. Teenagers are itching for a cause.
Honestly, where’s the debate? If you take God seriously and Scripture seriously then you have to take hell seriously.
What if somehow you got early intel that the tsunami was going to hit when it did?
Amidst all the hub bub of Rob Bell’s new book (haven’t read it) I thought I’d post a discussion chain from one of my old blog’s between me and a dude who rejects the thought that a loving God would send unbelievers into an eternal hell
The public is intoxicated with his intoxication and, to be honest, I have been too. Let’s stop mocking and start praying.
"Do You Believe in God?" It wasn’t until I closed the store that night that I had found this little card next to my register
The best leaders lead from the front. They don’t delegate, abdicate or relegate the heavy lifting to “subordinates.”
Hormones + Energy Drinks + Jesus = the rapid spread of the gospel!
If Jesus were on Twitter what 140 character message do you think he would send to you?
Although it is in good working condition few think to use it. What is the dusty bazooka hidden in the closet? It is prayer.
If you truly love God you, like Paul, won’t be able to shut up about him. You’ll share the good news out of the overflow of his love for you
Youth leaders will spend more time in the prayer closet and less time shopping for the latest youth ministry BSO's (Bright Shiny Objects)
The pay is great … when you get to heaven.
This verse makes it abundantly clear that the temptation of sexual immorality is just like a bowl of hot, steaming stew waiting to steal a believer’s birthright.
“All you gotta do is say this prayer.” Saying a prayer never saved anybody. It’s faith alone in Christ alone based on his finished work on the cross that regenerates the lost soul.
When the teens in your youth ministry begin to share their faith they will pray harder and worship louder. Many of them will read the Bible more diligently and walk in dependence on God more willingly.
“What are you thankful for?” That’s it. That’s my “brilliant” idea for sharing the gospel in a simple and natural way this Thanksgiving
Jesus was not cool. He was not fashionable. He was not attractive during His time or anytime for that matter. We must remember that the call of Christ is the call to be uncool.
Have you lost the spark? Do you have a bad case of EMMS (Endless Ministry Meetings Syndrome) and has it doused your fire of desire to reach the lost for Christ?
I’m hearing the rustling of God’s Spirit toward revival from all sorts of ministries from my missions focused friends to local church pastors to college ministry leaders.