When Hubris Comes to Church
Simple defined, hubris means pride or arrogance. In churches hubris is an insidious enemy. It comes at a time when members are typically feeling great about the health of the church.
- 08/01/2011
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Simple defined, hubris means pride or arrogance. In churches hubris is an insidious enemy. It comes at a time when members are typically feeling great about the health of the church.
Depression was once a topic reserved for “other people.” It certainly was not something those in vocational ministry experienced. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say that ministers rarely admitted that they were depressed.
Energizers bring out the best in everyone around them, and our data show that having them in your network is a strong predictor of success over time. De-energizers, by contrast, are quick to point out obstacles, critique people rather than ideas, are..
Too many times we think of local church discipleship as a program where church members meet at a specific time.
I can be a very selfish person. Someone shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with me and I responded in repentance and faith. But now it is my privilege and responsibility to share that good news
The Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, have been entering the workforce for over ten years. They are beginning to reshape the culture and norms of businesses and other organizations in a number of ways
Please consider moving from the fanfare of the falsehoods of these past few days to the truth of Jesus Christ and His claims. He is the only way of salvation.
You have to give Harold Camping credit. A worldwide audience has noticed his prediction.
For many, if not most, American churches, the changes are more negative than positive. Many churches today are shadows of what they were not too many years ago.
There is a common pattern for most of the warning signs. Church members are more concerned about their preferences and desires. They are inwardly focused.
For many churches, a time of prayer is limited to one or two people voicing a public prayer in the worship services.
Life is too short to become satisfied with the status quo when God is telling us to move forward. In all that we do, we must give our best for His glory.
Divisive, loud, and acrimonious persons turn them off. They are leaving churches to some extent because they see many Christian leaders as negative and prone to divisiveness.
An organization can move no higher than the leadership qualities of the leader.
Healthy organizations have many different components that comprise their healthy state. But those robust organizations inevitably have all three types of functional leaders present.
Ninety percent of formerly unchurched individuals cited the pastor and his preaching as the key factor in their entering the ranks of the churched. So, what was it about the pastor that kept them coming back for more?
I know. Pastors aren’t perfect. But they do have one of the toughest jobs in the world. Regardless of the church polity, they do have to answer to every church member.
There are no “do overs” in life and ministry. But there are always opportunities to learn, correct, and improve. So I decided to share with you seven of the key mistakes I made as a senior pastor.
There are a variety of reasons why a person visits a specific church. Once inside the doors however, what is it that keeps them coming back for more?
Discerning future trends can be difficult if not risky. If we miss a trend, we risk missing opportunities because we had our resources directed elsewhere.