Among nearly 80 million Millennials, only 12 million have personal relationships with Christ. That means 85% are lost. That means 68 million young people are lost.
- 05/01/2010
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Among nearly 80 million Millennials, only 12 million have personal relationships with Christ. That means 85% are lost. That means 68 million young people are lost.
The length of this commentary is not sufficient to highlight all the mistakes I have made in mentoring, but a few will suffice for now. I guess my most frequent mistake was just plain busyness.
Millennials don’t ask what the community can do for the church; they ask what they can do for the community.
Friendliness and evangelistic effectiveness tend to go together. When church members are truly excited about evangelism there is a natural friendliness toward non-Christians.
Perhaps you have seen or heard the credit card commercial that ends with the question, “What’s in your wallet?”
Leadership gurus will tell you that a primary skill of an effective leader is the ability to manage time for maximum productivity.
If koinonia is healthy fellowship, then koinonitis is unhealthy fellowship.
I knew it was coming. But still the emotions of the moment overcame me. I was losing my dad, my best friend, and my hero.
Sometimes we ask the question: What is my church doing to become more evangelistic? But the better question is: What am I doing to become more evangelistic?
It’s easy to read a book about other leaders who became filled with self and led with hubris. But ...
We have the greatest Hope in the world. We have Jesus. But we know the story. Critics outnumber the messengers of hope.
Great leaders have moved from the struggles to an awakening of confidence that is compelling to followers. But that confidence is not in themselves, but in the God they serve.
On a recent flight, I had the opportunity to sit next to a man who was the ideal conversationalist for me. First, he was not a Christian, but he was eager to hear from me about the gospel.
According to our research of older Millennials, those born between 1980 and 1991, only 17% attend church at least once a month. Please read that again carefully: only 17% attend church at least once a month.
What would God do if we “dared” our church members to love loudly? What would our communities see if we put the love of Christ in action with a significant number of our members?
Thousands of church leaders are asking, “So what do I do now?”
We would hear from many of the congregants that their church was healthy and thriving. Then we would see the warning signs.
The names of the churches stare back at me.
I consulted with hundreds of churches. Much to my dismay, I discovered that this reality blindness was common
I am greatly encouraged to see more young church leaders today with a passion for both theology and evangelism