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Thursday, Jul 16, 2015

'Walking Dead' Season 5 Spoilers, Plot Rumors: Lead Character Gives Insight

  • YouTube Screenshot/AMC
    The characters of AMC’s “The Walking Dead”
By Arvin Donguines , Christian Post Contributor
January 2, 2015|6:09 am

The hit post-apocalyptic TV series "The Walking Dead" still have months to go before it returns to air the second half of its fifth season but the cast and crew were kind enough to whet the appetite of fans that are eagerly waiting for its comeback.

Earlier reports have already confirmed that Norman Reedus' Daryl Dixon won't die, at least not this season.

Now, recent TWD news pointed out the series' lead character actor Andrew Lincoln speaking briefly about the upcoming episodes of the zombie-slaying drama.

During an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the actor teased that his Rick Grimes will grow to be a little bit more "reckless" as the season progresses.

Moreover, he gave his thanks for having taken the role of the main protagonist. He went on to say in the conversation that the still untitled episode 9 is probably, in his opinion, the best he has ever done.

"It's worth saying that episode 9 is one of the great episodes we've ever done. And 10 is the episode I always wanted to make," Lincoln said.

The Spoiling Dead Fans reported that Grimes and his pack will reach Alexandria Safe-Zone by episode 10 or 11. TSDF went on to say that a time jump is also expected to take the story forward following the tragic demise of Beth in "Coda."

Speaking about deaths, IBTimes reported that there is a high possibility that Lauren Cohan's Maggie and Chad Coleman's Tyreese would be saying goodbye before the season ends.

"The Walking Dead" Season 5 resumes Sunday, Feb. 9 on AMC.

Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/walking-dead-season-5-spoilers-plot-rumors-update-lead-character-actor-talks-about-the-show-131875/