CP Tech

Thursday, Jul 16, 2015

PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Lizard Squad Hacking News: UK Police Arrest Alleged Hacker

    Sony’s game-streaming service, PlayStation Now
By Arvin Donguines , Christian Post Contributor
January 4, 2015|7:14 am

Recent developments on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Christmas Day downing indicated that British police force had arrested one member of the hacker collective Lizard Squad. The hacker group purportedly claimed to be responsible behind the network failure of the said online gaming services which happened during Christmas day.

As reported by The Daily Dot, the U.K. law enforcement agency operating under the South East Regional Organized Crime Unit handed out a search warrant for the 22-year-old Vinnie Omari as suspect for the hacking activity.

"They took everything," Omari told TDD. "Xbox One, phones, laptops, computer USBs, etc."

The publication went on to point out a press release from The Thames Valley Police which reveals that Omari, a resident of Twickenham, was arrested on December 30 "on suspicion of fraud by false representation and Computer Misuse Act offenses."

"The arrest yesterday (30/12) is in connection with an ongoing investigation in to cyber fraud offences which took place between 2013 and August 2014 during which victims reported funds being stolen from their PayPal accounts," the press release reads.

Omari is due to face the court trial in March 2015, according to the site.

TheVerge.com meanwhile reported that as of now, Omari has been released on bail and charges are yet to be filed against him. However, he said to TDD that he'll "know more when the forensics teams get more info."

Other Lizard Squad members were also reportedly being apprehended by authorities in relation to the gaming network outages.

Finnish site Yle stated that a 17-year-old person who goes by the name of "Ryan" was brought in for questioning by Finland's National Bureau of Investigation.

Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/playstation-network-and-xbox-live-downing-news-update-uk-police-arrest-alleged-hacker-group-member-131978/