CP cartoon

Wednesday, Jul 22, 2015

Jihadi Speed Dating?!

By Rod Anderson , CP Cartoonist
January 13, 2015|10:11 am

 The Islamic State terrorist organization in Syria is now offering 5-minute speed dating services to attract more disenfranchised Western women to the caliphate and to become jihadi brides.
The Daily Star reports that a British Islamic State militant named Abu Qa'qa al-Britani, who lives in the Syrian stronghold of Raqqa, has recently published, on the online social site Tumblr, a guide that is designed to help encourage radical women to travel to Syria by making the husband-finding process seem more simple.
The guide outlines that women who have a desire to travel to join the caliphate can contact militants who specialize in "marriage affairs" in order to be matched up with militant suitors. Meetings between the woman and her potential suitors can be arranged in the form of a speed dates.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/isis-offers-5-minute-speed-dating-service-to-help-militants-find-jihadi-brides-132361/

Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/jihadi-speed-dating-132467/