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Wednesday, Jul 15, 2015

How to Build Truth Into Our Life

  • (Photo: In Touch Ministries)
    Dr. Charles F. Stanley (File).
By Charles Stanley , Christian Post Contributor
December 30, 2014|11:26 am

James 1:23-25

As a teenager and a new believer, I would pull out my mother's worn Bible when I needed God's opinion on a matter. In the back, there were words written in bold type with verses beneath (I didn't know then that this was known as a concordance). I'd look up a subject, write down the Scripture references, and then read them to get my answers. This simple activity was how I began to build truth into my life.

Believers who have decided to make God's truth the foundation of their life need a place to start building. First, identify a point of need—some area that requires attention, like financial stewardship. Then search the Bible's concordance for verses related to that topic. The passages on the subject will form a blueprint of what a believer's life should look like.

The Holy Spirit provides the construction material. Using His guidance, strength, and wisdom, install new truths in your life by practicing what you read. Let's again look at examples from the topic of stewardship: Matthew 6:24 teaches that we can't serve both God and money, so attitudes must change. And since a borrower is the lender's servant (Prov. 22:7), spending on credit should be carefully evaluated. That's how new ways of thinking will replace faulty ideas.

It is a good idea to note—literally—the results of our obedience to God's instructions. Journaling about His provision and the growth of our faith will inspire us to continue adding to our foundation of truth. That means choosing new areas to remodel according to God's blueprint.

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2015
All Rights Reserved.
Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/how-to-build-truth-into-our-life-131860/