CP Tech

Friday, Jul 17, 2015

GTA V DLC Update: Money-Making Cheats and Other Leaks Revealed

  • Facebook/ GTA5 (Grand Theft Auto V)
    GTA 5 is slated for a Fall 2014 release for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC
By Max Bonto , Christian Post Contributor
January 4, 2015|7:33 pm

There has been a YouTube leak on how users can get fast and quick money without being banned in GTA V online.

Earlier this week, DomisLive, an avid YouTube user, showed a major game glitch that allows users to get $32,000 whenever they die during the "Dock and Roll" feature. This only happens if there are 4 other players in the gameplay.

With this information, gamers are now finding more cheats for the online version of the game.

Rockstar Games announced they are still polishing the final stages for the PS4 and Xbox One GTA V version. They have stated that they are already on their "last tweaks and optimization fixes."

The game's developer also announced last week that it will extend its Giftgiving option. The Christmas DLC offers new vehicles and weapons like the Proximity Mines and the Homing Missile Launcher. The new cars include the Slam Van and the Hot Rod Christmas Ratloader.

Meanwhile, another leak for the Heist DLC will unlock new locations for the game. A source, NillxModz, posted the information on how to download the patch through nillxforums. Here is his list of the game codes:
IS_HEIST_BANK_RENDERED - This native calls for the game to render the interior/files required for a Heist mission in the bank located near Rockford Hills.

IS_CLIENT_SIDED_CONTEXT - This native checks that the client either has synchronized the game with others (for example if a car is destoyed) or if the action is for the client to see only and others are blind to the situation, this could be for a function known as Blind Eye.

LOCATE_NEAREST_REDNER_POINT - This native calls for the nearest "Render Point' which is used for AI spawning etc during a Heist mission.

IS_JEFF_CONTACT_ENABLED - The contact we leaked before called 'JEFF' who will offer special abilities during Heist missions will be enabled on your phone contact list when this native is called.

IS_NIGHTVISION_ENABLED - This native calls for the Night Vision mode to activate, this means it will be used during certain parts of Heist missions.

IS_APARTMENT_HEIST_ACTIVE - This native activates the Heist-planning board depending on the progress of the Heist you had planned.

The following code was found for the Heist Planning Room in your GTA Online Apartment and other features:

.rdata:401928AA 0000004 HST BOARD_HEIST_PLANNING - This is the function to use the planning board to start planning a Crew Heist mission.

.rdata:794837R4 00000002 HST TURN_PRINTER_ON_OFF - This is the function to use the printer to print a planning sheet which is stored in your file cabinet.

.rdata:102947C4 0000001 HST PRINTER_HEIST_PLAN_SC_CREW - This is the function to send the planning sheet via email on your phone to the rest of your selected Social Club Crew.

.rdata:284756DX 0000002 HST SHOW_BOARD_OUTLINE - Some rendering functions to render the sketch outline of the board textures.

.rdata:193846F4 00000007 HST HIDE_BOARD_TEXTURE - This is the function to hide the planning board during currently unknown situations, most likely to be set via variables in Tunables.

.rdata:685747X4 0000008 HST ALLOW_EMAIL_IFRUIT_APP - This is the function of a new feature coming to the iFruit app on smartphones etc.You can send Heist-related emails virtually through the app.

.rdata:395829W4 0000003 HST SET_FLOOR_RUMBLE_SMASH_FX - This is the function of a new feature to feel the floor rumble as something in a Heist mission explodes, also to see a smash hole in the ground.

.rdata:684928S4 0000003 HST SET_WATER_FLOOD_BUILDING - This is the function of a new feature to see water of some sort to pour from a building after bursting a water central pipe or something similar. This also means a building to flood with water.

The PC version of GTA V will be released on Jan. 27.

Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/gta-v-dlc-update-money-making-cheats-and-other-leaks-revealed-132058/