CP Politics

Friday, Jul 11, 2014

'Duck Dynasty' Congressional Candidate Says His Platform Begins With God

  • (Photo: Screengrab/Fox News' Hannity)
    Republican congressional candidate Zach Dasher, who's also a member of the "Duck Dynasty" Robertson family, speaks to Fox News host Sean Hannity on Monday, June 23, 2014.
June 24, 2014|10:50 am

Zach Dasher, who's running for Congress to represent Louisiana's 5th District in the House, said his famous "Duck Dynasty" family members are going to be a big part of his campaign as he runs on a "platform that begins with God."

"The support of the family means a lot to me. We share a very similar background and philosophy, and our spiritual beliefs are the same as well. They're going to be a big part of the campaign. I'm going to have Phil as my PR director, since he's so good with the media, and Si as my strategic consultant. I'm still working out the details," said Dasher, who's first cousin to Willie Robertson and nephew of Duck Commander family patriarch Phil Robertson.

Dasher's fellow Republican political opponents include Harris Brown, a businessman from Monroe, and Ed Tarpley, former district attorney for Grant Parish. Each candidate is vying for the seat vacated by Rep. Vance McAllister, who announced earlier this year that he would be stepping down from his political position after he was caught on camera kissing one of his staff members.

A pharmaceutical representative, Dasher told Fox News host Sean Hannity Monday night that among his top issues, if he's elected to represent his district in the House, is repealing the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare."

"No. 1, we need to overturn Obamacare, because that's the government forcing us to purchase their healthcare insurance because they think we don't know any better," he said.

"Obviously, I'm a social conservative. My platform begins with God. That's really what this whole thing is about. In Washington, when we look at what's going on, we see an erosion away from that platform. We see the ruling classes kick God out and in His place they place themselves. That scares me because we didn't send these folks to Washington, D.C. to determine our rights, we sent them there to defend our rights. And that's not what's going on," Dasher emphasized.

When asked by Hannity what he sees as the primary problems in the United States, be it social issues, the economy or U.S. foreign policy, Dasher asserted that all of the problems are symptomatic of a much larger issue — elected officials ruling as if they are God, instead of representing their constituents.

"I think all these issues are symptomatic of a larger problem, which is a government that believes that they're God. So all of these economic issues, they really begin with the natural law that men's rights don't come from other men, they come from God Almighty," Dasher asserted. "Thomas Jefferson wrote about it in our Declaration of Independence when he said that our rights come from God, not man."

Other issues that Dasher said he'd focus on if elected to Congress would be to roll back EPA regulations, which he believes are hurting the farmers who live in his district. And, to battle against Common Core, which he lauded Louisiana's Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal for signing executive orders last week in an attempt to pull out of that education program.

Source URL : http://www.christianpost.com/news/duck-dynasty-congressional-candidate-says-his-platform-begins-with-god-122112/