The Love of God
If you had to take a pencil and a piece of paper (if anyone even uses that anymore!) and write a paragraph describing the love of God, what would you write?
- 03/31/2014
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If you had to take a pencil and a piece of paper (if anyone even uses that anymore!) and write a paragraph describing the love of God, what would you write?
I don't know about you, but there are times when I've wondered why in the world God decided to keep me living in this broken world. Wouldn't it be so much better if we had just disappeared into eternity the moment God saved us? You and I are left her..
I'm afraid that there's a big separation between many believers' worlds of spirituality and reality. Outside of the spiritual world (worship services, small group, ministry activities, personal devotion, etc), their reality is untouched by the Gospel..
Human beings were built with limits. God didn't design you to be a superhero. You and I were created to live dependent lives, never surviving on the basis of our own strength, wisdom and control. From the moment of our first breath, we were limited, ..
Love. What is it? A quick Google search will produce several billion answers. Billion - with a B. Yet if you were to read through just a few of those websites, you would end up massively confused about this thing called love.
There's one thing you can know for sure, pastor or ministry leader. In the course of your ministry, you'll be sinned against.And not necessarily by the people you're ministering to, but by the people ministering alongside you.
It's a comical little scene, perhaps even "cute" at first, but the theology of those words obviously stuck with me throughout my life. As I think about my life and the glory of God, I need to remind myself that this life is not my party. You and I ha..
Ministry, this side of eternity, will be marked by moments of grief, just like like Samuel's. Perhaps it will be the death of a vision, the need to discipline a trusted and influential leader, the knowledge of someone plotting against your God-given ..
It's that time of year again - time to ring in the New Year with dramatic resolutions fueled by the hope of immediate and significant personal life change. Let's be honest. The reality is that few smokers actually quit because of a single moment of r..
Let's face it - parenting teenagers is a difficult responsibility. We don't have to deny the reality that as a person passes from childhood into adulthood, the transition can be tumultuous. However, we should be shocked and saddened by the cultural c..
When I was in seminary preparing for ministry, I never imagined what I have encountered since then as a counselor. So many times I sat with confused and discouraged people, people who had made regrettable personal decisions that further complicated t..
I want to begin this Ministry Article where the last one ended. We must be careful how we define ministry readiness and spiritual maturity. There's a danger in thinking that the well-educated and trained seminary graduate is ministry ready. There's g..
To fight these two areas of vulnerability, all you need to remember is these three words: "HE SAT DOWN." These words are in the first chapter of Hebrews and are found in a phrase that says of Jesus, "After he had provided purification for sins, he sa..
How well do you know your pastor? I don't mean where he went to seminary and what his weekly schedule looks like. How well do you KNOW your pastor. I'm afraid that many times, we don't actually look after the soul of the man leading our church; we as..
I'm convinced that many of the problems in pastoral culture result from an unbiblical definition of the essential ingredients of ministry success. A pastor's ministry is never just shaped by his experience, knowledge, and skill. It's also always shap..
Life in this fallen world is hard. Preparation is hard. Change is hard. It's easy to get discouraged. It's easy to feel overwhelmed. It's easy to remain or revert to being self-absorbed. It's easy to feel alone. It's easy to think that no one underst..
Have you noticed that everything in your life wears out? The sweater that you loved so much and wore winter after winter is now stuffed in the bottom drawer of your dresser, threadbare, unused, and unwanted. The car that excited you so and that even ..
Waiting can be difficult. It reminds us that we're not in control. But instead of being discouraged during the wait, we should be a participant in what God is doing in us and through us during the wait. Last week we looked at four of those reasons, a..
As you wait, tell yourself again and again that you haven't been singled out. Remind yourself that you're part of a vast company of people who are being called to wait. Reflect on the biblical story. Abraham waited many years for his promised son. I..
Life is a struggle. The Lord, in His wisdom, has left us in a fallen world. But perhaps our struggles are not primarily about the brokenness that surrounds us. Could it be there is something we bring to each of these struggles that makes them harder ..