Obama Delays 'Obamacare' Again
The Obama administration announced Monday its twenty-seventh delay to the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare."
- 02/11/2014
- Tag: Barack Obama Health Care Politics
The Obama administration announced Monday its twenty-seventh delay to the full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare."
There is "not even a smidgen of corruption" at the Internal Revenue Service, President Barack Obama recently declared in response to a question about IRS harassment of conservative groups. Here is a timeline of the events to which Obama was referring
The Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," will encourage some Americans to work less, the Congressional Budget Office recently reported. That is great news, the Obama administration argued. Here is why they are wrong.
Ten years from now, about 31 million U.S. residents will be without health insurance, predicts a study by the Congressional Budget Office.
President Barack Obama spoke Thursday about religious freedom as a key component of United States foreign policy at the National Prayer Breakfast, noting that freedom of religion is central to human dignity.
There was "not even a smidgen of corruption" at the Internal Revenue Service, President Barack Obama said Sunday regarding the scandal involving the targeting of conservative groups. If that is true, reporters and Republican members of Congress are a..
There will be about two million fewer American workers by 2017 because of the Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare," a Congressional Budget Office report released Tuesday finds.
When asked about the problem of children born to single mothers in the black community, President Barack Obama defended his record, saying it is an issue he and first lady Michelle Obama address "explicitly all the time."
Republicans are easier to make fun of because they will laugh at jokes about them while Democrats will take jokes about them personally, Lorne Michaels, producer of Saturday Night Live, said in an interview with New York Magazine.
The political mobilization of social conservative voters is far more extensive today than it was during the 1990s when the Christian Right helped the Republican Party take control of Congress, Ralph Reed, founder and chairman of the Faith & Freedom C..
Evangelical leaders supporting immigration reform praised the new set of principles on immigration reform released by House Republicans after their winter meeting.
Republicans had begun a boycott of MSNBC Thursday night after the company posted a tweet accusing Republicans of racism in relation to a biracial couple. The boycott ended only hours later after MSNBC President Phil Griffin personally apologized. On ..
The Obama administration's argument that mandating birth control coverage reduces unintended pregnancies and has health benefits for women is based upon faulty reasoning and flawed research, the Beverly LaHaye Institute argues in an Amicus, or "frien..
Pope Francis met Thursday with Notre Dame leaders and asked the Catholic University to defend the Church's freedom. The meeting came after Notre Dame again asked a court for an injunction against the Obama administration's birth control mandate. A fe..
Income inequality in the United States has increased since 1960, in part, because of more women entering the workforce and "assortative mating," or the tendency for people to choose mates with similar education levels, according to new research.
The Food and Drug Administration approved the use of 18 drugs for farm animals, even though an internal review found the drugs present a "high risk" of exposing humans to "super-bacteria" that are resistant to antibiotics.