Home > Marty Duren
Marty Duren / CP Op-Ed Contributor
The Music Kids Listen to These Days and 4 Reasons to Listen Too
Maybe Christians Should Cut Matthew McConaughey Some Slack
Mr. Matthew McConaughey was awarded the Best Actor in a Leading Role Oscar Sunday night for his performance in the AIDS-themed movie Dallas Buyer's Club. Almost immediately his acceptance speech sent social media ablaze with condemnation. Why? Becaus..
- 03/05/2014
- Tag: Culture Family issues Politics Evangelicals Movies
What One Follower of Christ Thinks About Universal Health Care
The current American version of Universal Healthcare (UHC), Obamacare, has been the subject of not a little debate. One side seems to think it is a literal panacea. The other places it somewhere between overt communism or the total collapse of the U...
- 01/31/2014
- Tag: Barack Obama Health Care Politics
Four Observations When Leading Through Change
Fewer things are more difficult than leading an organization through change. Leading through change in periods of upheaval should come with battle pay. Good transitional leadership is priceless.
- 01/07/2014
- Tag: Culture Politics Evangelicals
10 Random Thoughts for the New Year
I cannot find a biblical reason to be against food stamps and for corporate welfare at the same time.
- 01/03/2014
- Tag: Politics
Atheist Own Faith Challenged by the Faith of Prostitutes and Junkies
When American Christians say Jesus is the savior of prostitutes, druggies and thieves, I daresay this is not what they have in mind.
- 12/28/2013
- Tag: Atheism Culture Evangelism Politics Evangelicals
Are There Any LGBT Community Members Who Support Free Speech?
The big news from this morning was the GQ interview with Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson. My question is where are the members of the LGBT community who still believe in the First Amendment to the Constitution? Does free speech only count durin..
- 12/19/2013
- Tag: Homosexuality Free Speech Culture Family issues Politics Evangelicals Religious Freedom
No, No Megyn Kelly, Jesus Was Not a White Guy
Megyn Kelly is a popular personality on Fox News. In a recent segment, Kelly took up her sword to challenge a Slate.com writer, Aisha Harris's assertion that Santa Claus should no longer be white. Harris calls for a complete makeover: make Santa a pe..
- 12/17/2013
- Tag: Culture Family issues Politics Evangelicals Race/Multi-Ethnic
Nelson Mandela and the Language of Terrorism
The death of Mandela allows us to think about what it means to be a terrorist, and how the language of terrorism is used to frame political debate.
- 12/09/2013
- Tag: Politics Evangelicals Conflict/War
Two Books Every Follower of Jesus Should Give and Get for Christmas
From all the books and commentaries I have used, though, if I were asked of a list of books followers of Jesus should read now to help them understand the Bible better, it would be these two: Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes, by Richards and O'..
- 12/06/2013
- Tag: Family issues Politics Evangelicals Christmas Pastors
Holy Hip-Hop and Errors in Judgement
Monday a video called "What About Holy Hip-Hop?" was posted online at Ncfic.org, the website for the National Center for Family Integrated Churches. I know little about this group and do not want to insinuate that the families and churches involved w..
- 11/29/2013
- Tag: Culture Family issues Politics Evangelicals Religious Freedom Music
On Turning 50
Today I turn 50 and by all but the most generous of measures this life is more than half spent. Unless I reach 100 years of age, for every day I have lived on Earth I have less than one day left. This ratio will continue to build in a negative direct..
- 10/31/2013
- Tag: Family issues Politics Leadership Evangelicals
If You Think Obamacare Is Bad, Consider Reserve Currencies
What if Obamacare is not the worst thing happening? What if something was happening with the potential to dwarf Obamacare?
- 10/25/2013
- Tag: Barack Obama Economic Crisis Culture Politics National Debt
John MacArthur and Hearing the Voice of God
Much ado has been made in recent days about California pastor John MacArthur's Strange Fire conference. Michael Patton, a MacArthur fan, offers a critique of the conference, the book, and MacArthur's attitude toward Charismatics, so I will not.
- 10/21/2013
- Tag: Megachurch Church Bodies Culture Evangelism Politics Leadership Evangelicals Bible
Ebay Founder Pierre Omidyar to Start New Mass Media Organization
Amid an an era in which the mass media is as useless as a flat Coke, a ray of light breaks. As badly as we need a third major political party in America we also need a truly independent, aggressive media. We have neither, and we are worse for it.
- 10/17/2013
- Tag: Free Speech Culture Politics Evangelicals Religious Freedom
Hollywood Opts for Worn Christian Clichés in 'Prisoner' Movie
I went to see Prisoners last week based on the promise of the trailers and the insistence of my daughter. The movie was neither as bad nor as good as it might have been. Intensity and uncertainty drive the movie exploring the fear every parent shares..
- 10/07/2013
- Tag: Culture Family issues Politics Evangelicals Movies
Christians Need to Engage Culture Through the Arts
Followers of Christ need to engage culture through the arts. The more we do not make good music, good films, good art, good books and good plays the greater the void will be filled by many who ignore God or deny Him.
- 08/29/2013
- Tag:
Two Secure Email Services Close Due to US Government Spying
Not only does the U.S. government actively collect data from the private communications of its citizens (aka, "spying"), we make it easy when we use email.
- 08/09/2013
- Tag: Free Speech Culture Politics
Infanticide: The Old Barbarism is New Again
Earlier this year the word "infanticide" wormed its way into the national consciousness. A video surfaced of Planned Parenthood spokesperson Lisa Snow advocating for infanticide.
- 07/31/2013
- Tag: Abortion Health Care Culture Politics